Information for Ofsted

The Department for Education requires that all school websites should contain certain information. To help you find this more easily we have put key information on this page. Just follow the links under each heading.

General Information:

Headteacher - Mrs Jo-Anne Hoarty

SENCO - Mrs Nicola Bradley

Responsibility for remote learning - Ms Elizabeth Bennett-Sulsh

General enquiries - Mrs Belinda Joyce (pa to Mrs Hoarty)

St Paul's Ethos:

You can find information about Vision and Mission Statement, our code of conduct and how British Values are promoted through our school ethos on this page.


To find out about our admissions criteria and arrangements please visit this page.

Our Governors:

You can find information about our Governing Body here.


For information about our curriculum please visit this page.

Pupil Premium and Catch Up Funding:

You can find information on Pupil Premium and Catch Up Funding on this page.

Policies and Useful Information:

You can find our school policies and other useful information here.

Child Protection and Safeguarding:

You can find information relating to Child Protection and Safeguarding here.

Results and Performance:

You can see our latest Ofsted reports on this page and a link to the Ofsted website here. 

You can find our results on this page.

You can find the DfE Performance Tables here.

You can find performance for St Paul's here.















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