Biggest Ever Football Tournament Aims to #LetGirlsPlay
In what will be the biggest ever football session held at St Paul’s, the PE Department is encouraging as many girls as possible to come to the sports field after school on Wednesday 9th March, and take part in the mixed team tournament. Members of the MK Dons women’s team will be attending to present awards and to scout for any outstanding talent at St Paul’s.
Miss Vanisha Patel, PE Teacher, said: “Our aim is to encourage as many girls as we can to come and have some fun and play football. Each team In this mixed 7 a-side tournament must have at least three girls in it.”
The Sixth Form Leadership team will be running the event and each year group will have its own tournament. If players aren’t already in a team they will be helped to find a team at the session.
Miss Patel added: “I’m sure we have some great football players among our girls and we’d really like to see them showcase their footballing talent at this fun event.”
The session is part of the #LetGirlsPlay campaign. By 2024, The FA and Barclays, who are sponsoring the campaign, want girls to have the same football opportunities as boys in schools and clubs. #LetGirlsPlay aims to drive influence and change perceptions, showing that football can and should be played by girls. It is bringing together a growing community of people of all genders, ages and backgrounds who want to champion equal access for girls, helping create independent, resilient young girls who will be a force for good in all local communities.