St Paul’s Catholic School Latest News

Key Stage 3 Awards Announced

Student nominees and award winners with Mrs Hoarty

We celebrated the achievements of our students in Years 7 - 9 at our Key Stage 3 Awards evening. It was wonderful to see so many families coming out to join us at this uplifting event. Headteacher, Mrs Jo-Anne Hoarty said: "Every single one of our nominees should be very proud that their efforts and commitment to the St Paul's community have been recognised."

We are also grateful to our Sixth Form Ambassadors who did a wonderful job greeting guests, serving refreshments and helping the evening to run smoothly. Thank you also to Scott Williams and Hayley Cheung who delighted us with their oboe and piano playing for our musical interludes.

The full list of award winners are:

Art - Naomi Butt

Chaplaincy Support - Isaac Navin

Computer Science & ICT - Rosa Scott

Design & Technology - Isabelle Newnham

Drama - Ruan Cronje

English - Roxana Haseeb

English as an Additional Language - Pirithika Sivanesalingam

Geography - Lucas Rodricks

Governors' Award - Raphaela Laure

History - Harry Bennett-Sulsh

Learning Support - Cayden Wilson

Mathematics - Tia Tinu

Maureen Grant Award - Lewis Bowen-Coutain

Modern Foreign Language - Sarah Peace

Music - Scott Williams

Physical Education - Solomon Boateng

Religious Education - Sarah Peace

Rosalind Franklin Award - Matthew Bond

Science - Joseph Labagnoy

Service to the school community Award - Luca Mongiardi

Year 7 Award - Jaiden Pathmasri

Year 7 The Gifts We Grow PTA Award - Kimberley Bui

Year 8 Award - Chiemerie Onyia

Year 8 The Gifts We Grow PTA Award - Chiemerie Onyia

Year 9 Award - Maria Breitigam

Year 9 The Gifts We Grow Award  Ruan Cronje




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