See below for examination timetables and any other information relevant to exams.
For any urgent enquiries regarding examinations and post result services please email Susan Kielty.
Exam dates:
Monday 10th March to Friday 14th March - Year 10 PPEs and Sixth Form vocational PPEs.
Monday 10th March to Friday 14th March - Year 11 Food Prep and Nutrition exams.
Friday 28th March - GCSE Drama C2 exam.
Tuesday 22nd April to Monday 28th April - GCSE Art exams.
Thursday 24th April to Friday 9th May - Year 11 (and some Year 10) MFL GCSE speaking exams.
Thursday 24th April - Music NEA moderation day.
Monday 28th April to Friday 2nd May - Year 9 PPEs. You can find a Year 9 PPE checklist here.
Tuesday 6th May to Friday 9th May - L1/L2 Functional Skills external exams.
Tuesday 6th May - A level Art exam.
Thursday 8th May to Wednesday 25th June - Public exams.
Thursday 8th May to Friday 16th May - MFL A level speaking exams.
Thursday 19th June - Wednesday 25th June - Year 12 PPEs (A level, Further and Core Maths).
Exam guidance:
You can read our exam results guidance for parents and students here.
You can read general exam guidance for parents and students here.
Young people's mental health support charity, Young Minds, have a range of resources to help young people stay mentally healthy during exams. You can find them on their website here.
Information for candidates:
Appeals against internally assessed marks
Non-examination assessment policy
Examination Certificates
For information on collecting exam certificates please click here.