As parents at St Paul's Catholic School we are all members of the Parent Teacher Association.
Our main aim is to support all parents, guardians, teachers and pupils to love, serve and do the best that is possible. The contribution that the PTA makes is testament to our enthusiasm and commitment to support the school's key goals and to provide our children with that little bit extra that makes our school special.
How do we raise money and what do we spend it on?
This year we are looking to arrange a few fund-raising events, which we would love any form of help with. We also utilise the profits of the school shop, which sells the school uniform to benefit every child in our school community. Past events or equipment that we have funded are:
- Purchase and installation of new lockers and canopy.
- New air conditioning unit for the EAL Department.
- Mindfulness cushions and eye masks for the Chapel.
- Lighting and sound equipment for the Theatre.
- Dance mirrors (used for dance lessons and boxercise) in the gym.
- Specialised sports equipment such as outdoor table tennis tables.
- Lunch benches for the playground.
- TV screens for the Sixth Form.
- Exam pens for dyslexia.
- School trips, for example residential trips to Buckden Towers, Art trips to New York and language trips abroad. You can see a thank you card we received following a reward trip we funded to the Harry Potter Studios here.
- A trip to Uganda to establish the link with our partner school there.
- Supporting students with course fees for extra-curricular activities.
- Equipment for the prayer area in the 6th form.
- Equipment for the Drama department to use for serving refreshments during intervals of productions.
- A telescope for the Astronomy club.
- Tall ships trips.
Contact us
You can email the PTA at
How can you get involved?
PTA meetings provide a fantastic opportunity to meet other parents, which is not always easy at secondary level, and also to become better informed about school life.
Meetings are open to all parents, carers and guardians. New members will be warmly welcomed. It is not imperative that all meetings are attended - any level of support will be greatly appreciated.
Our meeting schedule is:
Tuesday 4 March 2025
Tuesday 29 April 2025
Tuesday 10 June 2025
Meetings take place from 6pm - 7pm and are held in Meeting Room 3. Reminders will be published in the Headteacher's Weekly Message and can be found on the what's on calendar on the website.
We look forward to seeing you.
With warmest regards,
Adele Jackson - Chair |
Lina Colarusso - School Uniform |
Laura Maw - Teacher Representative (Liaison with Leadership) |
Hetsie Cronje - Secretary |
Elena Martuccio - Treasurer |