School Policies and Useful Information

Please click on the links below to see our policies and other useful information about the school.  If there are any other policies you would like to view parents can request a copy by calling the school office on 01908 669735 or emailing us here.


Accessibility policy

Admissions policy

Anti bullying policy

Attendance policy

Behaviour policy

Curriculum policy

Charging and remissions policy

Complaints policy

Equalities and cohesion policy

e-portal policy

ICT acceptable use policy

Remote Learning Policy 

Special educational needs policy

Safeguarding and child protection policy

School uniform policy

Examinations Policy.

Non-examination assessment policy

Lateness policy (exams)

Data protection and GDPR:

Privacy notice (parents and carers)

Privacy notice (pupils)

Privacy notice (workforce)

Medical information:

Information about head injuries

Illness at school

Financial information:

Gender pay gap report 2023

Employee salary information (earning over £100k per annum)

Link to schools financial benchmarking service

Important information:

MK Schools' Behaviour Charter

Reading at St Paul's

British Values

Dealing with adverse weather conditions

Home School Agreement

Leave of absence request form

Exams - appeals against internally assessed marks

Sixth Form Dress Code

Your Contact Details:

It's important that we have the right contact details for you.  If any of your details change please complete this form.  You can email this to or drop it in to the school office. Thank you.

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