Safeguarding Staffing Structure

Silhouettes of people with magnifying glass

Designated Safeguarding Leads:

  • Mr Paul Knight, Designated Safeguarding Lead
  • Mrs Anne Hoskins, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Senior Chaplaincy and Pastoral Leader)
  • Mr Paul Tillman, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Pastoral Leader and Sixth Form)
  • Mrs Ruth Holmwood, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Head of Emmaus Faculty)
  • Mrs Kate Warren, Deputy Designate Safeguarding Lead (Business Manager)

Safeguarding Pastoral:

Year 7:

Mrs Kay Klymszyn, Year 7 Chaplaincy/Pastoral Leader
Miss Jessica Vousden, Acting Year 7 Year Leader

Year 8:

Mrs Sandra Thomas, Year 8 Chaplaincy/Pastoral Leader
Miss Ciara Pringle, Year 8 Year Leader

Year 9:

Ms Jennie Williams, Year 9 Chaplaincy/Pastoral Leader
Mr Matthew Cooke, Year 9 Year Leader
Miss Erin Noakes, Associate Year 9 Year Leader

Year 10:

Mr Yommy Adeyemi, Year 10 Chaplaincy/Pastoral Leader
Mr Jonathan Cresswell, Year 10 Year Leader

Year 11:

Mrs Claudine Jordan, Year 11 Chaplaincy/Pastoral Leader
Mr Duncan Eggleston, Acting Year 11 Year Leader

Year 12:

Mr Andrew Beckett, Year 12 Chaplaincy/Pastoral Leader
Mrs Upenyu Makamba, Year 12 Year Leader

Year 13:

Mrs Sharon Robinson, Year 13 Chaplaincy/Pastoral Leader
Mr Glenn Selwood, Year 13 Year Leader


Jane Kapaya, Governor with responsibility for Safeguarding


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